Artist’s Concept of Rover on Mars
Then on May 1, 2009, approximately 5 years 3 months later, disaster stuck. Sprit become stuck in deep sand, rendering it immobile. For nine months NASA scientists tried every maneuver on book to try get Spirit's wheel unstuck. On January 26, 2010 NASA officials announced that the rover was likely irrecoverably though it will continue to perform scientific research from its current location.
The rover continues to operate as a static science station. However, if the rover's static position cannot be improved so that its solar panels can be tilted more towards the Sun, or if the wind does not clean the rover's dusty solar panels, the rover might not be able to collect sufficient sunlight to generate enough power to keep it in operation. With the Martian winter approaching, Spirit might only remain active till May 2010.
The first color photograph by Spirit
Spirit rover images its lander on the surface of Mars
Rocky terrain ahead
Spirit looks back at it’s own tracks
Spirit rover's solar panels covered with Dust
Breathtaking sunset at Gusev crater
View from the summit of Husband Hill
Sprit’s wheel stuck in sand.
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